Responsible Journalism at a glance

Journal. Journalism. Newspaper. News Reporter.


But both follow some simple friends.

Every journalist and/or news reporter have some friends they usually never do without.

They are the basic questions.


1. What? - Sally ran away with Molly & not Peter!

2. Where? - They were seen boarding the Trans-Siberian train together last Saturday and are missing since.

3. When? - Last Saturday.

4.Who? - Sally & Molly but not Peter.

5. Whom?- Sally & Molly.

6. How?- By boarding a long distance train together.

7. Why? - We don't know but heard that Peter had proposed to Sally on Friday about getting married. Then they carried Molly - who was with Sally and had fainted at the proposal - inside the pub. He had left after an hour.


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