Did you look?

Views, visions, seeing, looking etc. They all come with many meanings. From the physical sight to what we can discern in meanings.

Those meanings are many. Of the many, we refer here to the ability to think far ahead in the future. Or even not so far ahead.

Yet, of the ability to look ahead into the future envisages a simple thing: living in the present. For if we live in the past - depending upon how far behind we do - and how further ahead we can look from there, we can merely cover the gap from there to the present - in sights. In realities - it is enormous, hard, diligent work.

Yet the present is never static and keeps moving. So what could mean the present for me could be your past or even your future - depending upon where you & I live respectively, in time.

So before we look, we need to stand somewhere in the social timeline (humanity's history on planet earth) & the direction that we face. While life rarely is linear - we often experience of it as such. Humans largely conceive of time in a linear fashion.

Now the direction that you face is crucial. For you can see the past from where & how you stand on the social timeline (to ascertain which present is yours). Or you could be looking at the future, or even the present, or even the near-present! Or merely at the past even!

To see and move oneself in distance is fairly easy in the physical sense. Fairly challenging in the sense that we mean: the cognitive meanings of distance, sight & time - spoken about in a linear fashion.

So let us start upon this, and ask ourselves: Do we see? 

p.s: It is often much easier for a dreamer to develop the capacity for both sight & judgement than a non-dreamer.


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